CCL Secure has been nominated in this year’s IACA Excellence in Currency Awards for Best New Environmental Sustainability Project. This nomination recognises the CCL’s efforts to mitigate the environmental impacts of its operations.
CCL Secure has undertaken multiple projects as part of a global Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility strategy, which will see the company continually work to improve environmental stewardship by minimising its ecological impact. The ultimate aim of this work is to become carbon neutral by 2022.
The company’s newest site at Wigton in the UK recently joined the Australian and Mexican sites in achieving ISO14001:2015 certification, setting a framework to enhance environmental performance, fulfil compliance obligations and achieve environmental objectives.
Practical measures taken include optimising the printing press and Regenerative Thermal Oxidiser (RTO) used in the production of polymer substrate banknotes. By ‘auto-therming’ the RTO, solvents are no longer released into the atmosphere during printing. Other strategies that CCL Secure has introduced successfully include:
A carbon desktop system implemented for effective data collection, The development of an Environmental Management System (EMS) and Energy Management System (EnMS) to drive improvement opportunities. Sustainability training courses delivered to staff.
Completion of a carbon footprint analysis by an external organisation, in accordance with the international recognised PAS 2050 method for quantifying carbon footprint . Partnering with Verco Global - the leading consultancy in carbon emissions reduction - for advice and support
The company has also developed plans to reduce environmental impact across the supply chain, including raw material procurement, transport, film and substrate manufacture, waste generation/recovery/reuse and disposal, with future ambitions to achieve ‘zero waste to landfill’ and reduce emissions. Bank notes made from polymer substrate can already be recycled, with the polymer given a new lease of life in products such as garden furniture.
CCL Secure’s Director of R&D, Marketing and Design, Tim Berridge, said “CCL looks forward to attending the IACA Excellence in Currency Awards presentation. We are proud to be recognised as a company that is making a positive environmental impact and are committed to continuing to discover new methods to achieve our zero carbon aim.